Friday 14 October 2011

Research part II.

After some unpleasant dificulties with technical equipment and some time-out I would like to finish what I started. In this post I would like to show the best animation videos I have seen, and which had the biggest impact on my own work. I was thinking of which kind of animation would be the best for me as a beginner in this field.

i) graffiti animation
In my opinion, graffiti can be also art - I don't mean random signings and devastating somebody's property, I mean truly artistic and elaborated pieces, which makes some place more beautiful. I admire inner thoughts and ingenuity of every artist, including graffiti. I like to explore cities and look up for interesting drawings on buildings. I also found a webpage on this topic, where everybody can appreciate street art daily. (street art utopia) There you can find my favourite artists like Banksy, Herakut, Eduardo Relero or the most crazy: Blu. His works are impressive, insane and beautiful all at once. Here is my beloved animation about big boom:

And this is similar one, but a little bit more crazy. But after all, graffiti animation like this is really demanding on time, place, money, not mentioning the ability to spray what you want...let's look what else can be done. (video from 6th Oct)

ii) light graffiti
The light (as the main theme of whole work) can be also used directly for making pictures. It is spectacular and not so demanding on equipment (as you can see in video there), but on the other hand, you are limited with colours and shapes possible to make out of light. It is very interesting method, but not suitable for my purposes. The video was seen on 6th of October.

ii) salt and sand art
Another way how to use light for animation - you illuminate box with translucent bottom from below and just play with sand or salt... Very good in this area are Ksenia Simonova and Arthur Kirillov, as you can see in videos here (watched also on 6th Oct):


I have also spotted (12th Oct) animation by salt, when you can literally draw with salt and make pictures on dark surface. It is also interesting and very beautiful, if you are handy enough. For example, Bashir Sultani is very skillful (gallery).

iv) During the research I was watching to many videos and there are definitely more ways to do animation - flipbook, drawing on whiteboard (very cool and educational RSA animate here), very large or truly tiny stop-motion animation using real objects as stage props, hand-drawn animations (I really love Ryan Woodwards's short film)....and many more - in this age of internet and camera in any mobile phone, it is very easy to make something...Last thing I would like to mention and which has affected me a lot, is the beginning of a movie I have seen many years ago, but this research made it come up to my mind again. It is like a fairy tale and I wanted my animation to look like this:

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