Tuesday 4 October 2011

Irish history and legends

First meeting with irish (local) history was during the walk to the Diamond hill on my fourth day in Letterfrack (and in Ireland in general). Our czech schoolmate told me, he was already on the walk and he found an old cemetery, so we go there together to take a look. This relatively small cemetery is hidden in the forest behind the school, circa twenty meters from road. We noticed that all the graves are dated in the beginning of twentieth century and all burried people were children...I counted about seventy graves and I wasn't feeling very well about that. Later, we asked our landlord about it and he was telling us the story about old industrial school, which was run in buildings our present day university. The orphans and abandoned children was forced to work there, in not very pleasant conditions a most of them died of tuberculosis. This terrible (troubled as speaks the official leaflet) history now seems to be over and people in Letterfrack are trying to do their best to "move forward in a positive manner".

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