Tuesday 4 October 2011

The storyteller

On Sep 20th we have a meeting with an Irish storyteller. Her name is Clare and she was absolutely amazing! This thin brown-hair young woman has a lot of dramatic potencial. During her performance she was using a scarf as a requisite - to ilustrate the story (for a woman mask hiding heroic man - aroung her head, for covering the baby and throwing him to the ocean (little Lug)...). She was telling us some of old irish legends like Birth of Lug and others about Cú Chulainn (Cullann's Hound). I still vividly remember some scenes from that stories, I have them in my mind as series of pictures, but I'm missing the time to put them on paper...For example, this Balor, who can kill just with opening his third eye...I picture him on ground surrounded with angry druids..his daugter Ethniu locked in the tower with twelve nuns, which druides Biróg puts to sleep one after another like a blowing out the candles...Sétanta's rage growing somewhere around stomach, deep inside like a volcano...and young Sétanta standing victoriously on killed hound and not knowing what he did...and more...I had to find out every of this names, because Irish names are very difficult to remember for me (if I even understand them)...during this research I've found nice picture of Sétanta by Stephen Reid (Cuchulain Slays the Hound of Culain from the book of Eleanor Hull: The boys Cuchulain, 1904)

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