Friday 7 October 2011


Very important part of doing some artwork is research and findig inspiration. It's good to find out, how others approached to the topic, what is already done and what still can be done.

If thought is the mother
of all good action,
Then what is the child
of plain distraction?
Think! pay attention!
Let your mind change!
Make everyday things
complicated and strange!
There are fish to be fried,
but first to be caught:
So spread wide the nets
and get tangled in thought!

First of all, I have to form all my thoughts and ideas to find to right way. I would like to do some projection, maybe animation, so I have focused on this area and found some really good works, from what I could draw inspiration.

I) artworks from La Biennale di Venezia in autumn 2009, where I was with my friend. Photos are taken by myself in period of 29th - 31st October in Venezia and unfortunately I don't remember names of artists (all leaflets I have back at home). Every piece is although connected somehow with animation, playing with light and dark, and with the sea theme.


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